Thursday, November 6, 2014

There's always a way out.

Down but not out, you might have heard this line somewhere in your life but it made sense only when you were or some of your near/ dear one was in that situation.

But the question how to get to the last three words of this line. One way I found out in this regard is- GRATITUDE.

Yes Gratitude is one of the practical way I found out that can show the way out in the said philosophy.

Check it out.

You may not have what you want in your life RIGHT NOW but that shouldn't disappoint you as you can't afford to get sad. If you do (as happens in most cases) you will tend to go further down (REMEMBER- WHATEVER YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS) till you reach a threshold and become your own critique.

So STOP, just try and find one good thing (you may not find it immediately but look around everywhere and you will find it. All you need to do is to OPEN UP and you will definitely find it) and be GRATEFUL for it- does this give you a little good feeling, it does definitely.

Now the key here is to build over this little good feeling and gradually you will notice more reason/ things to be grateful for it. And the more grateful you feel, more good you will feel, both things go hand in hand.

This good feeling will bring the like energies to you and show you the new way out.
Remember everything is energy and we too are energy and whenever we feel low or down that means negative energies have overpowered the positive and to turn the situation around you will have to bring more positive energy and GRATITUDE is the way to do that.

List down all the good things in your life right now, I know it's easier said than done, you may start with your healthy body, eyes to watch this, friends, family, education, money (even if you have only Rs. 10 with you), job etc etc.
Writing down the things you are grateful for are far more effective than just thinking about them and counting verbally.

I would love to hear your experience and comment.

Be the best version of you.

Manish Mathur

PS- Practice it to believe it.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts as steering wheel

Wondering why this law is not working for me despite trying all what you can and getting results on and off?
Here is a tip cum example.

This analogy will help you guiding your thoughts.
Life= road
Me= car
Thoughts= steering wheel
When I want to go from Mumbai (where I am) to Pune (where I want to be) I will reach only when I do the following.
1. Clarity, do I really want to go to Pune?
2. Choosing the correct path (road) and vehicle.
3. Start (because until I take action, start my car in that direction, I will never reach the destination).
4. Relax, keep moving and Focus on the destination ( if I'm not relaxed or not focused then definitely I can't drive well).
5. Most important, have FAITH that this path that I chose will reach me to my destination and not move my steering wheel left, right or backward. That's where the most common problem lies, even after following all the steps we tend to think otherwise (move steering wheel in wrong direction) and as all you know if we keep moving the steering wheel left-right then we will reach everywhere except our destination.

Now in real life and in case of driving this is easy to move straight and take proper directions as it's in our subconscious by default to guide us and not doubt the vehicle, the road, the directions, the sign boards etc and safely reach our destination without much hurdles but when it comes to apply the same for achieving the dream and following the LoA reverse of all the things start happening we doubt our-self (vehicle), our life (the road), the thought process (steering wheel) and everything.

So what's the way out of this confusing situation?

It's simple, just follow this analogy and drive yourself towards your dream that way you drive the vehicle and you will reach your dream life the way you reach from home to office and back office to home.
It's that simple, all you need is to train your subconscious mind.

Any questions? Do write back.

Have fun!